Social Services And Equality Policies

Social Services and Equality Policies
Our practice of social services and equality includes a number of areas that share something in common: their importance in the welfare society . Among these policies are:

Youth Policies.
Policies for the Elderly.
Gender Equality Policies.
Integration Policies.
Immigration Policies.
Dependency Policies.
All these actions are approached from a multidisciplinary perspective , combining the social approach with the economic-financial, legal and technological one ; all with the aim of allowing administrations to provide better social services in a sustainable way over time.

Trestle BD works with governments at all levels of competence: central, regional and local governments . We also work with multilateral organizations in improving social services and equality of people globally .

Our history with social services and equality policies
80s and 90s: Pioneers in Spain
The Trestle BD team is one of the pioneers in the design and management of social services policies in Spain . Before the birth of the company, its components worked since the mid-1980s with the different central, regional and local governments in the development of their competencies in these policies.

2000-2010: The strengthening of policies and the arrival of the crisis
Between 2000 and 2010, Trestle BD consultants worked for practice in all the departments of the General State Administration and all the Autonomous Communities in their policy of social services and equality. In these years, to the traditional policies of youth, seniors, etc., important actions were added in immigration policy and in gender equality policy . Trestle BD participated with various Autonomous Communities in the implementation of the Dependency Law , both in strategic projects and in financial and technical issues that had to be addressed in these years.

During these years, the companies worked, for example, in the preparation of studies to know the needs of the recipients of these services (such as, for example, the largest users of the centers for the elderly ); in the design of plans and programs (including regional strategic plans for all social services); in the execution of actions of said plans (directing technological projects to improve the management of these services ); and evaluating the services provided by administrations and, where appropriate, companies or institutions, within the framework of the social services system (such as the telecare service ).

2010-20–: The sustainability of social services and equality policies
Since 2010 and, especially, since 2015, Trestle BD consultants who are experts in social services and equality policies have had to support the public manager at a time of serious financial constraints, often addressing highly complex legal and economic issues . The practice of equality policies has internationalized its activity, allowing Trestle BD to be today a benchmark company in gender mainstreaming in projects and public services in various areas (transport, energy, etc.).