
Trestle Bangladesh Limited is a business development, research and consultancy firm, Specializing in public sector project management and policy design. Also having significant footprint in private sector consultancy. Numerous governments and multilateral entities have entrusted to date in the services of the more than 70 professionals of the firm.

The company’s clients are concentrated in the public sector, among national governments, regional governments, local governments of large cities and other public institutions. The entities of the civil society concentrate the remainder of the activities of Trestle BD.

Trestle BD currently has project offices in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Trestle BD acts as a unique global firm, so that all our partners and experts share the same values, methodologies and strict standards of conduct, based on ensuring loyal and highly specialized assistance to all clients of the company, Regardless of the country and the activity sector.

Our Mission Is Knowledge Based Nation Development.

What is public sector consultancy?

Public sector consulting firms are professional service companies that advise Governments and public entities in the design of their actions (public policies) and execution of them (public management).
Within the consultancy for the public sector there is a wide diversity: strategy, ICT, human resources, etc.

What do public sector consulting firms do?

Public sector consulting companies provide high value professional services, always adapting to the specific needs of each client and every project. Some of the professional services that are offered in our market are:
• The firms carry out economic, social, market or technical feasibility studies to launch new policies, plans, programs or public projects.
• The companies design these activities or policies, as well as define the strategy and the operations that must be followed for their start-up or launching.
• The companies perform the necessary actions to start these activities or to launch the new plans, programs and projects, in a broad sense, executing the operating processes that have previously been designed.
• companies manage these activities, departments or offices, providing value as managers and not just as strategists.
• firms evaluate the activities that have been put in place, allowing us to know the results that have been achieved.

The importance of public service vocation in public sector consulting firms

In Trestle BD we understand that the consultancy should be linked to the experience and the professionalism of the people who provide the services of the consulting companies. Therefore, the training, both technical and skills, of these professionals is what distinguishes companies from other consultancy.
In the case of public sector consultancy, this has to be added the vocation of public service. The public sector is extremely complex and knowing it in depth requires experience and vocation. Public sector consultants must share with senior officials and employees of the public sector this vocation to improve society through public policies and actions.


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Dhaka (Head Office)

Flat# D, House 436, Road# 30, Mohakhali DOHS, Dhaka. Bangladesh

Operation Hour

10:00 am to 6:00 pm